Quick Links

By clicking on the link, you will be able to submit information to be added to the interest list for Campbell Estates.  Approximately 120 days prior to occupancy, applications will be mailed to the address provided in this submission.  Applicants will be placed on the waitlist based upon when the application is returned.  

The mission of the Fayette County Housing Authority is to maintain, manage and develop affordable and safe assisted housing for residents of Fayette County, and to do so with a commitment to the highest standard of customer service.

The Fayette County Housing Authority is committed to providing safe, decent and sanitary housing to low and very low income families, in an environment that fosters self-sufficiency and community pride, while building and maintaining affordable housing for the citizens in our communities. We seek to create safe neighborhoods by partnering with individuals and organizations to provide housing, education, and employment opportunities for families of modest means to become self-sufficient and improve their quality of life. We shall serve our clients and all citizens with the highest level of professionalism, compassion and respect.

Attention all property owners

Contact FCHA today to learn how to turn your rental units into cash!

please click on an image for more information